Our product: Target ID Reports

We find you ideal counterparties for your M&A projects so that you can focus on what you do best and close your deal.

Worldwide. Within your timeframe.

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What we do:

Worldwide searches to find the best counterparty for your M&A deal. Our product lists counterparties who bring the most value to your objectives.

  • You can trust us to find the best targets for you within your set timeframe.
    More info.
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Who we are:

Specialists in finding the best counterparty for your objectives.

  • We increase company value because our targets are ideal and naturally create competitive processes.More info.
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The result:
Target ID Register

A target report based on worldwide market analysis and containing the best counterparties for your project. We can also go a step further and find the key decision maker in each target company for you.

Search Specialists

Teams of experienced and fully dedicated targeters.

Do you want them to find you the best counterparty?


Powerful international databases

We spend more than 300,000 USD on databases and research tools every year and we know how to get the most out of them in order to help you.

Do you want to make the most of these databases?


Proven methodology

A well defined and structured method to search for the best target with the greatest synergies for your M&A deal.

Do you want us to use this powerful method to help you?
